Ivory Coast Film Treatment




We will follow BBC as the main character. She will narrate and drive the story as we follow her journey as she desperately advocates for the rescue and restoration of exploited women in Ivory Coast.

  • BBC is fun-loving, strong-willed, persistent, diligent, smart and loving.

  • To bring freedom and restoration to the girls who are being exploited or feel they have no other option.

  • She feels a motherly love and devotion to the women who are being exploited. She cannot resist doing everything she can to help.



  • One of the most inspiring things about this story is how BBC took on this role of a mother for the women who were being trafficked, some even students of hers. She describes having this love of a mother for those girls and not being able to resist reaching out to them for rescue and restoration.

  • The biggest difference in this story is its location, and with it the culture and language. This is the beginning of Project Rescue’s involvement in Africa and lots of changes and challenges derive from that fact.

  • The main audience for this film is AG churches who have already partnered with Project Rescue and are committed donors. They’re loyal supporters who are excited to help grow the ministry.

  • Overall the main feeling from the audience should be thrill and excitement about the expansion of Project Rescue into a new continent. They should be ready to help support this new venture with enthusiasm.

  • We want viewers to be ready for action, to engage with Project Rescue’s venture into Africa. Past supporters will be ready to give monetary donations. New or online audience will be challenged to take the next step in engagement (following on social, giving a first donation, sharing...)



1. Find student prostituting herself

One night, BBC sees a group of girls on the street and realizes they’re prostitutes. On closer inspection, she sees one of her students. Her heart breaks.

2. The vast problem in her country and surrounding areas

Learning about her student opened her eyes to the dark world happening in her own country. She find out about hundreds and thousands of women being exploited.

3. The love of a mother

She feels this love of a mother toward these women and cannot explain it, but she cannot resist helping and reaching out. She desires these women to have freedom and restoration and come to know God.

4. Starts the NGO

She starts an NGO and is able organize some activities with the women and teach them crafts.. building relationships. God put on her heart a dream to have a safe home and a large home outside the city for women to get restoration and healing.

5. Hurdles

But she needed resources and would plead to all the churches around, crying in desperation their need for food and a safe location. Not only that, but it was very dangerous- the dealers would threaten the women, perform blood covenants, some were killed… it was very risky for them.

At one point a generous donation was given for a safe home but a greedy man posing as an entrepreneur stole the money and ran off.

6.  Friend connects them to PR

After many years, she meets a friend who helped motivate their team and connected them to Project Rescue.

7. God fulfilling the dream

God is fulfilling the dream he put in BBC’s heart by bringing BBC and Project Rescue together. Together they can now have a safe home in the city for girls and have a vision for growth in this country as well as the whole continent.

8. Give now

Call to action at the end in text to “GIVE NOW” and specific url for the landing page

Group of people playing on a beach with the ocean in the background.
A teacher in traditional attire instructing students in a classroom, with a whiteboard displaying fraction diagrams.
Person with short hair smoking a cigarette in dim lighting, wearing a hoodie and earrings.
A woman with a serious expression sitting indoors, with text saying 'SHE HASN'T BEEN HAPPY SINCE THEN.'
Young student writing on classroom whiteboard
Close-up of a person's eyes looking contemplative with "FILMSUPPLY" watermark.
A woman wearing a patterned scarf, indoors with dim lighting, accompanied by text that reads: "I couldn't send her to school for a whole year."
A group of children sitting at a table, engaged in drawing or writing activities.
Night street scene with silhouetted people and streetlights.
Person walking under a bridge at night, with a car approaching.


  • BBC’s interview: very African vibe

  • Recreation scenes:

    • Professor in classroom

    • Night on the street finding student as prostitute

    • At the beach dance party with survivors/team

    • At the beach for contemplative, solo shots with BBC

    • Other broll outlined in the generic shot list


Filming Schedule


December 7th-10th